Become a COHPS Golf Tournament Sponsor
COHPS Presenting SponSor - $10,000
Our top level sponsorship covers the following:
- OHP Troop Headquarters
- Dinner for eight with OHP Chief at mutually agreed location, date & time
- Golf for eight at Southern Hills Country Club, Tulsa OK
- One lifetime membership in COHPS Organization.
- Entry for eight golfers
- Eight OHP Golf shirts and caps
- 32 Mulligans (4 per player)
- Entry in all prize holes
- Sponsor plaque
- Special Recognition throughout Tournament
- Separate Tournament banner
- Tour and lunch of sponsor's local
Tournament Sponsor - $5,000
Become a Tournament Sponsor and receiving all the following:
- Entry for four golfers included
- Four OHP Golf Shirts and caps
- 16 Mulligans (4 per player)
- Entry in all prize holes
- Sponsor plaque
- Recognition throughout Tournament
- Tournament banner
Player or Meal SponSor - $2,500
Player and/or meal sponsorship includes:
- Entry for four golfers
- Four OHP Golf caps
- Entry in all Par 3 prize holes
- Sponsor plaque
- Recognition throughout Tournament
- Sponsor name on all golf carts
- Tournament banner
Other Sponsors
There are several other levels to get involved and sponsor the Tournament:
Chief - $1,000
Major - $500
Lieutenant - $300
Trooper - $200
Convict - Any amount
Interested in a Sponsorship
If you are interested in a possible sponsorship, please fill out the form below and a member of COHPS will reach out as soon as possible.